Archbishop Gustavo Garcia-Siller, M.Sp.S. of San Antonio has shown the kind of leadership so badly needed in this election season. When the oxymoronic Catholics of Choice published a advertisement in the San Antonio newspaper (September 12), Archbishop Garcia-Siller answered with the following broadside. This statement has the ring of a bishop who has had enough of the nonsense and wants to set the record straight. Thank you Archbishop Garcia-Siller! (Italics are added for emphasis.)
An organization called Catholics for Choice placed a full-page advertisement in the Sept. 12 edition of the San Antonio Express-News with inaccurate information which must be corrected, since it misrepresents the truth and what the Catholic Church believes and teaches.
This misrepresentation is demonstrated by their statement that “Public funding for abortion is a Catholic social justice value.” Nothing could be further from the truth.
Before responding to claims made by Catholics for Choice in “Abortion in Good Faith,” it should be noted that this group does not speak for the Catholic Church. The group undertook a similar media campaign in the state of Colorado just two years ago, and the bishops there also responded in reiterating authentic Catholic social teaching and the consistent ethic of life.
For more than 2,000 years, the Church has steadfastly proclaimed that respect for all human life at every stage is foundational to the Catholic faith. Abortion from the earliest tradition of the Church has been considered immoral.
The Catholic Church’s position on abortion is clear. In the magisterial document “Donum Vitae” (The Gift of Life), the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith affirmed that, “The human being is to be respected and treated as a person from the moment of conception; and therefore from that same moment his rights as a person must be recognized, among which in the first place is the inviolable right of every innocent human being to life,” (Sec I.1) Direct abortion, or the intentional killing of a human being living in the womb, is always seriously immoral because as persons the right-to-life is the most basic and fundamental right we possess.
It is our hope that one day Catholics for Choice will take the time to acquaint themselves with basic Catholic teachings, and acknowledge the truth of the Catholic faith, and not choose to misrepresent her teachings with false and inaccurate information and ads that only work to confuse and mislead the public. Upholding the sacred dignity of all human life is the duty of every member of society and this duty must be taken seriously in order to ensure that we are a part of a culture that affirms the right to life for all, especially the most vulnerable among us.
Una organización denominada Catholics for Choice puso un anuncio de plana completa en el periódico San Antonio Express-News el 12 de septiembre con información errónea que debe ser corregida, ya que tergiversa la verdad y lo que la Iglesia Católica cree y enseña. Esta tergiversación se demuestra con su declaración de que “La financiación pública para el aborto es un valor católico de justicia social”. Nada puede estar más alejado de la verdad.
Antes de responder a afirmaciones hechas por Catholics for Choice en “Abortion in Good Faith”, debe hacerse notar que este grupo no habla en nombre de la Iglesia Católica. El grupo emprendió una campaña de medios similar en el estado de Colorado apenas hace dos años y los Obispos allá también respondieron reiterando la auténtica enseñanza social católica y la coherente ética de vida.
Por más de 2,000 años la Iglesia ha proclamado categóricamente que el respeto a toda vida humana en cada etapa es fundamental para la fe católica. Desde la más antigua tradición de la Iglesia, el aborto ha sido considerado inmoral.
La posición de la Iglesia Católica sobre el aborto es clara. En el documento magisterial “Donum Vitae” (El Don de la Vida), la Congregación para la Doctrina de la Fe afirmó que: “El ser humano debe ser respetado y tratado como persona desde el instante de su concepción y, por eso, a partir de ese mismo momento se le deben reconocer los derechos de la persona, principalmente el derecho inviolable de todo ser humano inocente a la vida” (Sec I.1). El aborto provocado, o el asesinato intencional de un ser humano vivo en el vientre, siempre es gravemente inmoral porque el derecho a la vida es el más básico y fundamental derecho que poseemos como personas.
Esperamos que algún día Catholics for Choice se tome el tiempo de familiarizarse con las enseñanzas católicas básicas y reconozcan la verdad de la fe católica, y no elijan tergiversar sus enseñanzas con información falsa e imprecisa, y con anuncios que sólo contribuyen a confundir y engañar al público. Defender la dignidad sagrada de toda vida humana es un deber de cada miembro de la sociedad y su obligación debe ser asumida con seriedad para asegurar que seamos una parte de la cultura que afirma el derecho a la vida para todos, especialmente los más vulnerables de entre nosotros.
I’m not Catholic, but I am pro-life. I always wonder headlines that refer to slapping down or bashing the opposition. Having read the archbishop’s response, I would hardly characterize any of his words as violent. Why not say “responds to” or even “chastens,” which is a more biblical term?
If you were a Catholic you would probably applaud my choice of words, out of frustration. 🙂 Deal
HE needs to address Tim Kaine’s remark that the Church will allow “gay” marriage.
Kaine’s bishop issued a statement today smacking down his comments on gay marriage. Deal
If you support abortion then you are not a Catholic!!
As I understand, “Catholics for Choice” is a George Soros funded front group.
I am a Catholic and serve the church community in more ways than most. I support the right of women to choose what happens within their body. Yes, it is true the Lord gave them a uterus but he also gave them a brain and most have all the ethical beliefs to allow them to make that decision and deal with the moral consequences. The Bishop does not speak for all Catholics and he id not infallible.
I am a woman and a nurse and murder of the unborn innocent is NOT healthcare. And the Bishop espouses Century old Catholic teaching that you obviously don’t know or understand. Additionally, we cannot pick and choose what you’d we would like to believe. And just because you and blind others follow their own rules, will never make it right or church teaching.
Really Reuben? Your support of the “right of women to choose” is contrary to Church teaching. Abortion is a grave sin & your support of it is a very scary position if you value your eternal soul. Also be very careful of dissing the Bishop’s statements especially when it is in obvious alignment with (infallible) Church teachings. Using your own “ethics” is a slippery slope which can slide toward hell.
I have to say – that as human beings we are all sinners. Whether you are a churchgoer or not a churchgoer – the belief that every life matters is considered supreme in our Religion. But, our religion can not be made to hold the political and Federal Laws that are supported in the United States of America. The law dictates that “A woman’s right” – where there is no supreme direction by the right of a religion or special group – even a government – to make the decision that protects the woman’s right to choice. Ultimately, we are not in any position to guarantee that a child’s life will be protected with a family or someone to care for them – while existing their entire life alone. Whom are we to play GOD and say that anyone making their own decision to terminate their pregnancy is a sinner and should suffer – or have their child suffer in life. We do not know all the scenarios why a woman may have to give or not give birth- but we must accept her own decision. This is the basis for the Abortion Act in the United States of America – and its abilities to insure that the woman is cared for no matter the decision she may make in her pregnancy. I am a man – who will never know the birth of a womb or the implications behind giving birth – but at the same token the Church, religion or groups – that outcasts women that do – should be considered the biggest criminals and worse than just sinners. We all need to respect the right of the woman to choose – and merely pray that the conscience of that woman be towards giving a precious birth – life and not its demise. There should never be any punishments for a woman’s decision, because she only knows the life story of why she must consider the option of a abortion and nobody else s. May GOD bless you – and remember that we all need to be more understanding on the things we can not change. Pray for understanding and strength to ask for forgiveness – especially those that suffer those actions that contradicts your beliefs.
Once again, if you are a Christian, moreover, a Catholic than you do not know your own faith. From the early Church our church and then our CCC has condemned abortion as a grave evil and mortal sin. Additionally, you would do well to acquaint yourself with the “law” Roe v Wade and the history of the woman who was shysted into representation with two lawyers trying to make a name for themselves. Norma McCovey (Wade), is now a Catholic who’s life mission now is to see that very law repealed. Personally, I think a better way would be to enact a lww giving unborn babies the same rights we all enjoy. That would do it, Roe v Wade would be no more. You speak of “rights”? As Christ teaches us, “the least among us”….then where are the rights for the innocent unborn? And, the pro life cause teaches, healing, forgiveness and compassion for women who have made this grave mistake and who now suffer the long and short term consequences (addictions, suicide, depression). Groups such as P.A.T.H. are there for their support and healing. Get on the right side Hector, don’t believe the secular progressive hype.
Like I said, not what your thoughts Claire – there are many mortal sins out there. Whom are you to push yourself into my thoughts and my space – and reject my thoughts. Save yourself Claire. We all live in an imperfect world and to have some protections for those women that have nobody to care for them. If a woman wants to find a way to terminate her pregnancy because she was raped or diagnosed with a disease that could hamper the life of the child or her own – we can not just into her life and dictate that she committing mortal sin. That’s absurd. It is for the protection of a woman’s health and their own belief – not mine or yours that matters. I would like to see ever religious woman out there adopting every child being born and see no child suffering their life of disease or no family to love them. I would support the grounds of no abortion if people were sincerely caring for all our children living is squall-er or in kennels in third world countries. Where is the responsibility of Woman or those Church fearing people – chanting mortal sinners to those that do not want their children to suffer and commit abortion. Claire. I am Catholic – and you are no better that I am – so learn to respect people before you decide to demonize them yourself. Thou should not judge others or thy neighbor. LOVE is the answer.
Claire Smith Law. Has a nice ring to it. Where every child not aborted – born with disease and from raped women or unwanted – they can all be in the care of you alone or those wanting to keep these children living and not aborted. Then I would support for no more abortions if you would care for ever child born. Women have the right to choose – but you would become a saint to care for all children if you can make it happen. I will pray for you to make it so. GOD bless you.
Don’t be ridiculous. Because a child might not be born into what you “deem” perfect circumstances now becomes a legitimate argument for murder in the womb? Indeed I will pray for YOU and pray that you recognize that not one one of us, you and I included are any less of a creature created by God and to be extended every possible right. May God have mercy on you.
I have always said, those that demonize people for their belief – should be asked – “Can you cast the first stone- when you must look within yourself to see if you are fit to make judgment of others”. Nobody is greater than thou, and those yelling and name calling people because of their sexual orientation, religious beliefs or gender – even because of their age or background – are in complete contradiction of the teachings in the bible where “LOVE” is the basis for our existence. Anytime hatred , name calling, bashing, spitting, making sacrilegious remarks – are all considered anti-GOD – and those people do not deserve to step foot in a church because these are the type of hatred that is not what Christ and GOD – wants its followers to be part of. Human beings are weak and all sinners while on this earth – and we must ask for forgiveness for making claims that we are better than anyone else. To remain simple, honest, pure, loving, compassionate, understanding and forgiving for our weaknesses – we all strive to become better as Catholics or Christians. I find it odd that people resort to hatred and name calling – on gay people wanting to express their love for one another – and also bash those that commit abortion. I find it sad – that we can all allow people get a divorce and commit adultery – and be forgiven – along with those that commit murder – they can also be forgiven – and yet there are people no willing to do the same for children that are gay or grown up wanting to marry in a gay relationship – in their expression of love – which I find it completely absurd to reject their commitment to one and another. The Church is trying very hard to reach the changes of times and not be so stoic in their belief. The Church must be considered as holy grounds for all God’s children and not divisive by any means if they are to remain as a sincere space of God;s teachings.