They demand change, but are not willing to wait for things to transform by the natural process. That process includes the science and art of politics which is the fruit of human reason to form and operate systems of government. Reasonable people naturally act this way because we were created in the image of the Creator, Who is the God of law and order. Violence, on the other hand, disrupts and interferes with nature as an extrinsic power. The violent act unnaturally due to a privation in their reasonings. It is from the darkness of their minds and hearts that they lash out like wild savages going berserk.
God is not violent. Now, some may disagree because they look at the Jewish Scriptures or Christian Old Testament and point to many stories in which the Lord calls for the destruction of peoples and even the complete extermination of nations, including livestock. Beyond that, Ezekiel once saw a prophetic vision in which the Lord sent angelic scourges to wipe out, without pity, every Jewish man, woman and child in Jerusalem that failed to grieve and lament over the abominations that were committed in the city. (Ez.9:6) Still, God forcefully counters violence or violations of nature to restore the natural process. Although two wrongs don’t make a right, two negatives make a positive.
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Any sin is an act of violence against our nature as God intended us to be, but physical violence that causes destruction or injury is gravely sinful. Believers living in a state of grace with God present in their hearts don’t throw bricks through windows of innocent people or at the police trying to maintain peace and order. The souls of such violent demonstrators are lost in the dark chasm of malice and ignorance.
It’s really no wonder that people who violently abort their own children, take contraceptive pills to interfere with fertility, vainly change the appearance of their bodies permanently or mutilate their genitals, or merely approve of such behavior, are more prone to act with violence against nature.
Saint Paul repeatedly spoke of the God of peace, “For God is not a God of disorder but of peace…” (1Cor.14:33) The Lord, however, is not irenic. He doesn’t compromise with violators of the natural law. Paul assures us that the Almighty will use force: “The God of peace will soon crush Satan under your feet.” (Rm.16:20) He crushes to maintain peace. Likewise, shouldn’t police crush violence to restore peace?
Law and order are qualities of the divine nature. Even God obeys the eternal law, for He is bound to act according to His nature in a godly way. We too are bound to act according to nature, but our free will is often misguided by bad ideas that seem good. Violent protestors, like Antifa, believe erroneously that they’re on the side of justice, that they’re making the world a better place, but graffiti and arson, desecration and murder, do not cultivate culture and civilization. We can only foster real justice as a natural development when we oppose ungodly violence to restore peace.